Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ornament Swap!

Hey y'all! A special shout out to all of our new followers! Whether you found us through a link up or the giveaway over at Living in Yellow, we are so happy that you're following the DDIT's :)

Waaaay back in October, we signed up to be part of the Holiday Ornament Swap with Living in Yellow and Dreaming of Dimples.   Christmas time seemed sooo far way at the time... but what do ya know?!  It's almost here!

So here's what went down. We added our names to the list and waited (not so patiently) to figure out who we would be sending an ornament to and who would be sending us an ornament. At the beginning of November we found out who our new ornament/blog friends were! We needed to send an ornament to Kimberly over at I'm Probably Crazy. We would be receiving an ornament from Jessi at Just What Jess Is Up To.

For our ornament, we asked Kimberly about the theme of her Christmas tree. She said she was going for a vintage/rustic/homemade kind of feel with lots of felt and wood.We looked and looked and finally found the perfect one at World Market. Click here to see it on their website.

Isn't it cute?! We thought it went along really well with her rustic theme. You can see Kimberly's post about it over on her blog. Make sure you stop by and leave her a comment!

Now, on to our ornaments. We have had so much fun getting to know Jess over at Just What Jess Is Up To. She was sweet enough to send each of us an ornament so we didn't have to figure out a joint custody agreement. We emailed back and forth with her about our trees and she obviously did some good stalking on our blog to figure out more about us! Here's a joint collection of pics that we took...

Yay for getting mail!

Perfect card :)

Our awesome ornaments!!

Even Dustin loves it!

Ang's Tree
Mary's Tree

Merry (early!) Christmas from the DDIT's!!!
We had so much fun participating in the Holiday Ornament Swap! As new bloggers, this was our first swap type event.  It was such a fun way to introduce ourselves and connect with two new bloggers.  We're really looking forward to reading/seeing all the other participants' ornaments!  We hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season!  


  1. Love the pictures, especially the one of Dustin! It was great "meeting" you girls! I am glad we were paired up!

  2. The football ornament is too cute! I might try to DIY that!

    1. Talk to Jessi over at Just What Jess is Up to...she is the crafty genius behind it :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love that football ornament! I should get one for the hubs with his school colors! Love it!

  4. What fun ornaments! My stepdad would live that football one. Thanks for joining the swap!!!!

    1. Thanks for organizing the swap! We had so much fun participating :)

  5. The ornaments you received seem to fit in perfectly with your household! Love them! This was also my first ever swap/exchange (Christmas is my favorite holiday so I figured it was a good time to jump in and I am so glad I did!)

    Your Christmas tree looks beautiful -- also Cost Plus is a wonderful place to find fun things throughout the year! Nice "meeting" you and thanks for sharing :)

    1. These couldn't be more perfect for both of us! :) They look great on both trees!

      I'm going to have to look into Cost Plus! It's never too early to look for more Christmas stuff :)

  6. The swap was so fun! That's awesome that you guys each got an ornament, and so personalized too :)

    1. We had such a great time getting to know 2 awesome bloggers! Jessi was just too sweet to think of both of us!

  7. Dropping by from the ornament swap link-up -- I've been loving seeing everyone's ornaments!

    Love the sparkly, fun football ornament!

  8. Great ornament, looks like she put a lot of thought in to what you both would like.

  9. Super cute! I'm finally dropping in from the ornament swap link up! Also, I'm your newest follower :)

    1. Thanks for following us, Brittany! We'll definitely check out your blog. Hope you have a great weekend!
