Well here we are... Election Day 2012. Today (well, maybe), we'll find out which candidate will be runnin' the show for the next 4 years. Months of campaign commercials, debates, and Facebook status updates have really prepared me for this day... and by prepared, I mean nearly made me scratch my eyes out. I know, I know, that's a little over dramatic... but have you met me? HA
Since we're already talking about me, I'm going to tell you about some things that I (and my partner in crime/blogging) would do if we were headed to the White House.
- New work weeks! How does working 3 days with a 4 day weekend sound? Pretty delightful, right? Just think of all the fabulousness we could accomplish if we had 4 day weekends!
- Strongly encourage companies to provide manicures/pedicures/blowouts/massages to stressed out employees. I mean this will really help make our 3 day work weeks much less terrible.
- Free Diet Coke/Diet Mt. Dew/Diet whatever for everyone! And it'd all be in a fountain... with crushed Sonic ice! Mary and I would be such better people to deal with in the mornings :)
- Outlaw this outfit:
Seriously y'all, if it is warm enough to warm a skirt, it is NOT cold enough for Uggs! NO!
- Warn the people of the dangers of over tanning. This is not cute. NOT CUTE. ewww
- Create puppy snuggle areas. I'm not sure how this would actually work... but I'm sure one of our cabinet members could handle the logistics. But seriously, puppy snuggling cures almost everything!
- Purchase some island real estate. Who doesn't want to be here?!
Now that you know what we'd do, what about y'all? I bet you have some fabulous ideas!
But in all seriousness, get out and vote today! Be thankful for the freedom we have to participate in this process!
Mandatory chocolate EVERY day!