Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Craft Show Update

Well, my first craft show is over!  After all my craft show prep posts, I'm sure y'all have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to see how it went!  I'm here to say, it went great!

When I signed up, a 6x10 booth sounded like a huge space!  In reality, it wasn't big enough at all!  By the time you put in a table, you have almost no room!  Hawkins and our friend Brian built some really cool displays for me to use... but I only had space for one of them.  Luckily, it was the most important one: my towel rack!  Check out my set up:
Next time, I'll definitely pay for a larger area.  I think it'd have been worth it because more than one person could walk in at a time.  Overall, I was really happy with how it looked.  It definitely looked full since I crammed so much into one little area :)

I sold quite a few things and took a few orders!  Overall, I reached my goal! :)  I handed out lots of business cards and talked to so many people!  I'm hoping that will pay off with some new likes on my Southern Charms Facebook page.  I was so encouraged that people loved my stuff!  It's always nice when family and friends tell you you're doing great and your stuff is cute... but when it comes from a complete stranger (who doesn't have to be nice :) ), it is a really neat feeling!  I'm actually pretty proud of myself!  

Thank y'all for putting up with my frazzled self while I prepared!  And again, if you need to order anything, don't hesitate to let me know!  Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Great job, Angela! (I was on the edge of my seat:)) So happy for you that it went well! I'm sure I'll be ordering something from you before too long - just gotta figure out what I want!

  2. Thanks, Aunt Lisa! I'm so glad it went well! It is nice to have that nervous feeling gone now! Let me know if you need help deciding! Can't wait to make some good stuff for y'all! :) Give Anna a hug for me!
